Sunday, September 27, 2009
Busier than I thought...
Tuesday and Wednesday Felicity got to go on their 5th grade overnight adventure. They take the girls up one night and the boys up 2 nights later. She is working on a post about that on her own blog, but she had a good time and got to do some fun science activities. Evelyn did lose her 2nd tooth, so the tooth fairy paid another visit to our house. Wednesday ended up being pretty busy I guess. It was payday so I ran to the bank and to Sam’s in the afternoon after helping in Lydia’s class. After school Evelyn went to her friend’s birthday party and Felicity went to piano lessons. We had our dinner group around 7 p.m., I hosted our book group at 8:30 and Shawn had his last softball game at 9:30. I made 2 Texas 4-Layer pies – one chocolate and one butterscotch – for the dinner group and book group. We enjoyed the leftovers for a few days after that.
Thursday I helped in Evie’s class and the library, we had our presidency meeting before the girls got home from school, and after school Lissy and Lydia went to activity days. That night the big girls had dance so Shawn, Evelyn and I went to the library and to ShopKo to get Shawn some pants while we waited for them.
Friday afternoon I finally got my hair cut! Yay!! That night we picked up some chicken for dinner and took it to the park for a picnic. Then we laid on blankets and read some of our family book (Percy Jackson #2), walked the path along the river, skipped some stones, and just enjoyed each other’s company and some nice fall weather. It was fun to watch Lydia and Evelyn throw handfuls of rocks in the river (they don’t have the patience for rock-skipping yet) and Shawn and Felicity concentrate on the skipping rocks part. Evelyn and Felicity also looked for “seashells” and Lydia pretended to be a mermaid lounging on the rocks down in the river.
Saturday morning it was our turn to go help clean the church. After that we came home, made egg sandwiches for breakfast and then worked out in the yard for a bit. Shawn and Lissy mowed the lawn while the little girls and I started to clean out the garden. We filled 4 garbage sacks with dead plants and picked more zucchini, tomatoes and 1 yellow squash. After that, Evelyn went to another birthday party, Shawn to ok Felicity to work on some golfing skills and I took Lydia with me to shop for some supplies for a card class I am teaching. That evening we made pizza and watched the BSU game all together. I recorded the RS broadcast to watch later this week.
Sunday has been pretty typical – Shawn had choir, I had meetings. After church we made a FAST dinner and then played a game of LIFE with the kids (after they did the dishes). Then Shawn had to go to a music meeting so the girls and I read a chapter in our book (after we finished the game without Shawn). Now they are all tucked in their beds and Shawn just got home from his meeting. Time to relax J
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Zucchini Bread
Friday, September 18, 2009
Harvest DaY
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Evelyn lost her first tooth!
Labor Day Weekend: Part 3
Labor Day Weekend: Part 2
Caleb's family came over too and they introduced us to the world of Rock Band. Fun game! We didn't know many of the "rock" songs, but I killed on the Bangles song! We might have to put that on the list for Santa to bring us this year.
Labor Day Weekend: Part 1
ock. Soon after getting back on the freeway, our front driver's side tire blew out. Whoah! I'd never had that happen before. We called AAA (Christmas gift from my parents) and they could get somebody to us within the hour, but Shawn decided it would be faster if he just changed it. It took a bit to figure out how to get the spare tire down from under the car, but I think that was the trickiest part. Shawn got to insult the intelligence of the myriad drivers who did not switch lanes or slow down a little since he was inches away from the oncoming traffic. Fortunately, it happened just a ways outside the next town, so we swung in to the Les Schwab and got 2 new tires. However, they didn't have anyone there to balance them (which is what ultimatley caused the blowout in the first place - unbalanced tire wear), so we had to get that done the next day in Boise. Even though it was a bummer and it set us back, I was grateful that:
- it happened when Shawn was there to change it
- it happened when the girls were the age they are and had no problem just waiting in the car
-it happened that close to a Les Schwab
-we now have balanced tires
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Evelyn's 6th Birthday
Evelyn in the birthday outfit she got first thing in the morning. She didn't want to wear the jeans though.
Modeling another birthday outfit.
New leotard and tights for ballet class.
First Day of School
Here are some pics of the girls on their way out the door the first day of school. I think I have the coolest, cutest kids out there! They are having a good year so far. Felicity was a bit overwhelmed after the first day, but is keeping up just fine. Lydia needs to work on some time-management and organization skills (she likes to read during math time). And Evelyn is happy as a clam reading Junie B. Jones chapter books and taking AR quizzes (finally!).