Monday, May 16, 2011

Lydia's Arm - Update

Lydia will be going in for a little surgery tomorrow morning on her arm. Her doctor was just going to have her come in and put her to sleep to rotate and cast it for a week, but he took some x-rays before we left his office and found a few surprises. One of the titanium plates was broken in half, so he will take that out as it is no longer doing anything for her. Also, she has had some MAJOR bone growth on one of the bones and it is starting to grow over the screws. He also wants to make sure that the new growth (which looks like a lump growing on the bone) isn’t preventing her arm from rotating, or that the “swivelly” part of the joint hasn’t fused in one place. Basically, he’ll get in there and take a look around, see what’s going on and then decided what to do from there. He really did seem surprised and shocked by the broken plate and the amount of bone growth that had occurred in 2 weeks. She will probably be in a cast for a couple of weeks, with her arm in the “facing-up” position. It will be a “peek-a-boo” cast with a window over the incision.

We are going in at 7:30 am and the surgery is scheduled for 9 am. Shawn has taken the morning off and I had to cancel a sub job and a couple other appointments. Lydia is disappointed that she will not get to participate in her Idaho History Program that they have been practicing for several weeks. She is also very nervous that her arm will hurt after the surgery, since it hurts her to try and rotate it now.

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