Sunday, January 18, 2009

What more could I ask for??

It was another busy week around here. Monday I “worked” at school and then since it was early release (but Evie stays through lunch) I met Shawn for lunch at a sandwich shop. I got home from that just in time to meet the piano tuner (the last time it was tuned was in Jersey over 5 years ago). After school I took the girls to dance and we had a family home evening. Tuesday I dropped off my cards for card group on the way into Shawn’s office to help with some filing. After school the girls and I cleaned the house. I put jobs on slips of paper in a cute basket and they got to pick them out. I paid them a quarter a job until the jobs were done. Lydia did the most, but Lissy cleaned up a couple months worth of doggie-doo (which is worth more), so they got paid the same. They are great helpers if I find the right gimmick :). Wednesday Evie was having a friend over to play, but Shawn had to pick up his truck from the shop (turns out the new battery Shawn put in awhile ago was a bad battery), so after taking Shawn there I took the girls to Arctic Circle for some lunch and climbing play time in the indoor playground. Then they came home and played for a couple more hours. That night we went visiting teaching to two sisters. Thursday I went in and did some more filing, then Shawn had me help take the car and truck in to be appraised for a trade in. He has been looking at SUV/Crossovers so that he has something with a little more room, decent gas mileage, and a little better to drive in the snow and ice. He found a Chrysler Pacifica and get this – it is the same color as my car, so now we match. Awwwwww – how sweet! I got home barely in time to grab stuff for dance and to go get the girls from school. While Evie and Lydia were at dance, Lissy and I ran and picked up Shawn’s new suit pants, went to the library, went to the distribution center to get a new spiral hymnbook (ours is lost) and ran one other errand, but I can’t remember what now. I was supposed to go visiting teaching again, but my partner got sick, and our gal was busy, so we just did a phone visit. On Friday I spent about 4 hours at the school helping in class, the library and selling snacks at lunchtime. I honestly don’t know what I did after that – probably just helped the girls with homework and stuff until dinnertime. Oh, I did make a chocolate bundt cake to take to dinner. A couple at Shawn’s work invited us all over. They don’t have kids, but had things kids love – a dog, 2 cats, a rocking horse made out of an old whiskey barrel and saddle and exercise equipment – the girls were in heaven on the treadmill and the mini-trampoline. I guess we should get one of those…. I know Shawn and I could use it. On Saturday, we slept in a little and after “brunch” Lissy watched the girls for us while a 2 hour errand excursion turned into 3. Shawn and I were able to get things done at Sam’s Club, the car dealership, a little clearance shopping at a home décor discount store, odds and ends picked up from K-Mart, etc. When we got home we made some pizza for lunner (lunch-dinner) and then Shawn took Lydia on her daddy-daughter date (to Sub Zero of course) and Evie got to go to a friend’s birthday party. After they all got home, I took Lissy to get groceries. We got a little sidetracked on the way though and stopped at the Candy Cottage by the grocery store. I had a coupon for buy one get one free pound of salt water taffy, so we decided to go check it out. Yummy! We were the only ones in there, so we got to go behind the counter to see the candy artist hand dip some cherries and he even let us each have one. We also got to sample their gelato and besides the taffy, I picked up a couple of chocolate-covered cherries for Shawn and I later. Lissy and I had a good time hanging out together. Sunday we had choir, I had a PPI, I played piano at the first ever sacrament meeting at our neighboring assisted living center (Lissy came with), played the piano for a special musical number at both sacrament meetings, Shawn and I went to visit one of his home teaching families that are not very active and I gave their kids the primary CD and we read with the girls several chapters in our book (The People of Sparks) before bed.
I have to say that although life is busy and a little stressful at times, I realize more and more how content and blessed I am. I have beautiful, healthy girls who I enjoy more and more each day. I have a wonderful, supportive, hard-working husband who I adore more and more each day. I have a warm and comfortable home, food to eat, clothes to wear and so much more than I really need that I appreciate more and more each day. I have wonderful parents who I owe so much to and who get more and more wise each day :) What more could I ask for??


KLF said...
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KLF said...

Hi Lauri, your mom gave me your blog address in RS yesterday. I was so excited to hear you have a blog! It will be so fun to see what you're up to. Your girls are darling. Our family blog is

NW Harbert's said...

Sounds like a very busy!

Anonymous said...

You are a busy woman!! :)