Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Friendship Group

So, about that permission slip mentioned in the last post. Jo has been invited to participate in a "Friendship Group" with the school counselor once a week for a few weeks during her lunch time. She is excited about it, but naturally I don't know how to feel. I don’t' want my kid to be the one who needs to go to the counselor, you know? I thought she was having a much better year this year (last year we heard a few times about her out of control emotions - crying, mean temper, etc.) But apparently she still has trouble making friends and she says she cries too much at school, so I guess it's not all roses yet. I talked to the counselor today briefly and she explained that it would be a fun group where they discuss how their behavior affects those around them and different ways to express their emotions - whether they are happy or sad. I feel like I have somehow failed as a parent and it makes me sad to think that she has a hard time making friends. Anyone else out there been through this?


KLF said...

I think Destenee sees the counselor on a daily basis some weeks. If she has trouble with another child, she goes to him to help figure out what to do. She doesn't let things roll off her back, and she doesn't know what to do most of the time. I think some kids just need a little more help figuring that stuff out. Elementary school is hard, and really hard when you wear your heart on your sleeve. It's good she has someone to talk to, and it's nothing that you're doing wrong. It's just the way they are. You can still talk to her about her relationships at school and help her to figure out how to handle certain situations. Your advice may have a greater impact on her. Each child is so different, huh?

sherisorenson said...

Interesting that the day I read your concerns about Lydia going to the friendship group I was asked to submit 3 girl's names from my class to the counselor for a friendship group. I hope their mothers don't feel like a failure. Our counselor is great and told the girls they were especially picked by their teachers to be ambassadors for the rest of the class. They will talk about some things they already know and learn some new things about how to be a good friend and then they can share and practice with the rest of the class. You are a wonderful mother. Your girls have the best mother in the world for them. I love you! Mom

Lisel said...

That would be hard! Most of my kids still aren't in school, but Zach and Landon definitely deal with friendships in different ways and Landon has a much harder time. I'm sure this will be a good experience for her and you will continue to help her and everything will be fine!

Tamlynn said...

E went to a friendship group in school last year. She liked it. I would just be sure the time she spends out of class is not making her miss something important.

Tamlynn said...

Duh. You said during lunch time. She might like it!