My mom ever so sweetly pointed out that I am a bit behind on my blog, so here is a new post just for her. Once school let out things have just been busy! The longest we’ve been home for any stretch is about 10 days, so it’s been come and go, come and go. All good times though! Here’s what we did in June:
- We cleaned out our storeroom and bought a couple sets of nice big shelves.
- Shawn and I went to Martin’s Cove with our ward as Support Staff
- Felicity got strep throat
- The girls and I went to Utah and saw Singin’ in the Rain at the Hale Theater and the Mormon Miracle Pageant in Utah with the extended family girls and saw both Great-Grandmas
- Felicity and Lydia went to Day Camp with their Activity Days groups
- We participated in a neighborhood garage sale and hosted the bake sale at our house
- Celebrated Father’s Day with gifts and cards for Shawn
- Shawn went to an IDAMFT leadership retreat near Sun Valley
- Had a freak hail storm that clogged a drain pipe and caused a window well to start flooding
- We went and saw Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat for FHE one night
- I’ve continued to work a few hours a week when we’re home and I substituted for the school librarian a couple of mornings
- Also went to various primary meetings, softball games, a dinner group, a birthday party and a baptism
- The girls have been working on their daily chore chart to keep them busy
Thank you for doing it just for me. I check often and when there is a new post it is almost as good as getting a letter in the mail. Love, Mom
Busy, Busy. I am glad I got to see you all when you came through!
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