Friday, July 9, 2010

June Week 2

On Monday I took Felicity to Barnes and Noble to spend a gift certificate she was given for participating in the Newberry Club at school. She selected two math workbooks to work on this summer. Then she vacuumed and dusted downstairs, Lydia cleaned the kitchen floor and I put Cedric up for sale on Craigslist. We also discovered a bird had built a nest on our front porch light, so when Shawn got home from work, he knocked it down.

Mud +grass= messy!
My Hero! Birds are creepy...

On Tuesday we had piano lessons, I went to my friend’s house to grind some wheat I made my first banana cake and we did some lawn and garden work.

Here are just some pictures of one of the funny ways my kids entertain themselves. This took up the better part of Tuesday afternoon.

Let's play "Where's Evie" again.
See her yet?
There she is!

Wednesday we went to the public library where Lydia got to play the part of Hera in a re-enactment of the story of Heracles. Then I took Lydia to Wal-Mart to get some gum with her birthday gift card. That night, Felicity and Lydia each performed 2 solos in their piano recital. They had all their songs memorized and did a great job!



The girls with their teacher, my friend Jessica.

Thursday morning I had presidency meeting, worked in the garden and tried a new Jillian Michaels workout with Shawn. In the afternoon I made a lasagna and took the girls to see Ice Age 3 and made my third banana cake. That night the Jensen’s came over for dinner and instead of playing games, we ended up chatting, listening to Chad play the guitar and Kat helped me with a skirt I wanted to make out of a pair of shorts for Evie.

afternoon I worked on some sewing projects - refashioning a couple of long sleeved shirts into short sleeves and the skirt I had my friend help me with for Evie. The shorts were corduroy and really wide at the bottom, almost like culottes, so they formed into a skirt quite nicely. That night the missionaries came for dinner.

Evie models her new skirt - the front (cute rivets around the pockets)
And back, cute little star design below the waist.

This was long - cut off the sleeves and cuffs, then sewed the cuffs back on to the shorter sleeves.
Layered look tee? Just cut off the long sleeve! Easy-peasy!

Early Saturday morning I got sick – worshiping the toilet sick. Shawn took the girls out shooting after breakfast and I forgot to pick up our Bountiful Basket. My friend called to let me know she had saved it for me and would bring it by. Saturday afternoon we got a call from a lady interested in coming over to meet Cedric and see if her other poodle would get a long with him. They got along fine and she ended up buying him. The girls were very sad, but she said they could come visit if they missed him too much. Later, Shawn and Jeff took the kids to the temple visitor’s center to see the photographs from the Hubble telescope and later that night Evie got sick too.

So sad to see Cedric go

But so happy to think of all the fun memories and how much they loved him

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