Friday, July 29, 2011

January 2011

So the girls pointed out yesterday that I really need to update my blog. Fortunately, I just downloaded a bunch of pictures from my phone and camera, so I should be ready to go. However, my hard drive crashed a few months ago, so many pictures of events are lost forever (sniff, sniff). I was fortunate to have some pictures on the blog already, but those and pictures on my phone are about the only ones to survive since the last time I backed up (which was 9 months prior to the crash). So, just a friendly reminder, BACK UP YOUR PICTURES! And just because I'm weird this way, we're going to start with January (because it just seems to wrong to start with June of July....). So here goes...

Shawn: Earned his blue belt in karate. A couple of the girls and I went and watched him test and were very impressed with his mad skills!

Lauri: Continued with her Primary and PTO responsibilities. Also got in some New Year's organization by cleaning up our office (4 hours) and helping Shawn assemble some shelves in the storeroom. Over the course of a couple of Saturdays and a trip to D.I., we got the storeroom looking quite a bit more organized.

Felicity: Celebrated the long-awaited milestone - her 12th birthday! She had a group of friends over and they played Just Dance 2, made personal pizzas, played a sentence/picture game, and ate eclairs and dipped strawberries. Her invitations were a Paris theme and her friends know her well - she received lots of French decor, "pie" references, and the color lime green made an appearance quite often. Her first mutual activity was the Stake Standards Night, the day after her birthday. Before graduating from primary, Felicity passed off all her Articles of Faith for the 3rd or 4th year in a row.
Lydia: Passed off all her Articles of Faith for the 2nd year. Here is a picture she drew for a FHE lesson she taught on Ammon.

The girls' school librarian had a contest where the top 4 readers in each grade (during the month of January) got to have "Pizza with the Principal." I was a proud Momma when all three of my girls got to participate in that activity.

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