Friday, January 29, 2010

Brave Girl and Proud Mom

On Monday for family home evening we had a quick lesson from the “For the Strength of Youth" pamphlet about watching movies and listening to music that is appropriate. I guess the girls were dancing to a popular song (Tik Tok) in their hip-hop dance class and they asked me about some of the lyrics and so we talked a little about the song. (It has references to getting drunk, alcohol, etc.)Felicity and Lydia decided that that particular song probably wasn’t appropriate and Felicity told her dance teacher last night that she didn’t think the song sent a good message to the young women in the class. Without hesitation, her teacher told her they wouldn’t dance to it any more. I think Felicity was pretty nervous, but I was so proud of her for standing up for her values and so grateful that her teacher responded the way she did.


Sarah said...

Felicity was so brave! You have reason to be proud of her. What great girls you have!

Lisel said...

Impressive! I don't know if I would've been brave enough! You should be proud! And I LOVE the mirror craft!

Robynne said...

Way to go Felicity! You should definitely be proud!!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome that she has so much courage to stand up for what she believes. Of course she has an awesome mom too!

sherisorenson said...

We are so proud of you, Lissy Always remember what Paul said...."I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ". I remember your mom using that quote in a talk she gave when she was a young woman. We love you all! Grandma and Grandpa