Friday, September 19, 2008

I was tagged!

It's been awhile since I've been tagged or posted anything, so I'll play along. I did do something creative today, but you'll just have to wait in suspense to see what it was.

I am: "Shawn's wife. Mommy. A beautiful amazing lady." - to quote my husband.
I think: a lot, probably too much.
I know: my Heavenly Father knows and loves me.
I want: obedient children (sound familiar Mom and Dad?)
I have: everything I need and so much more!
I dislike: phone solicitors.
I miss: my hubby (he is out of town right now).
I fear: faces peering through the window (never happened, it just freaks me out).
I feel: content.
I hear: the sweet sound of pages turning in my daughters' rooms.
I smell: garlic.
I crave: brownies.
I cry: on a regular basis - sometimes daily.
I usually: yell at my kids at least once a day.
I regret: yelling at my kids.
I search: blogs for creative home decor and crafting ideas.
I wonder: what my kids are thinking sometimes!
I love: my girls - they are so smart and creative!
I care: about my kids' education.
I always: check out too many books from the library.
I worry: that I'm not a good enough mom.
I am not: very patient.
I remember: very little - I have a horrible memory!
I believe: we all have divine worth.
I dance: in my kitchen.
I sing: harmony.
I don't always: make my bed (in fact, rarely).
I argue: ... not so much. I'm more the silent treatment type.
I write: on my calendar every day!
I win: or get sassy trying.
I lose: my marbles every now and then.
I wish: I could read all day.
I listen: to angry-girl rock.
I don't understand: why kids do things they know are wrong... oh wait a minute, I do that too...
I can usually be found: at home distracting myself from one project with another.
I am scared: to ride roller coasters.
I need: "quiet time."
I forget: to tell my hubby how wonderful he is!
I am happy: when I'm reading a good book.

I tag: Melissa C, Tamlynn C, Jennie J, Becky M and Holly D.


careyttops or katelyn's kid kitchen said...

how fun! I love to read these tags.
I'm so the silent type too! It seems like I haven't had to give hubby the silent treatment in awhile tho- lucky for him, hope he's enjoying it while it lasts!

NW Harbert's said...

Hi, I tagged you with a quirky thing, I don't usually do these things, but I kind of enjoyed this one. Check out my site to see the rules.

Tamlynn said...

Hey, you should have told me that you tagged me! lol. I love your music.