Thursday, September 25, 2008

Quirky Tag

I was tagged by my good friend, Heather.

Rules:Link the person who tagged you. Mention the rules on your blog.Tell 6 unspectacular quirky things about you or your family.Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them. Leave a comment on each of the tagged bloggers' blogs letting them know they have been tagged.

1. I like socks. In fact, I am never barefoot (except swimming and showering). I even sleep in socks - year-round.

2. I am a paper collector. I save things I will probably never look at again and file them away in my filing cabinet "just in case."

3. I leave piles all over - a pile of stuff to go downstairs, a pile of stuff I need to sort through, a pile of homework for the girls to complete, etc. It drives Shawn crazy!

4. I check out way too many books from the library. I probably turn 70% of them back in without ever cracking them open. Why I can't just check out 1 or 2 at a time is beyond me. Right now I probably have over 10 on my nightstand.

5. I am a list maker. I have lists for packing, meal planning, movies to see, books to read, music to download, christmas presents to get, school clothes to buy, home repairs, home improvements, etc. all saved on the computer or in a special list notebook. You name it, I probably have a list for it. I think I've even been know to make a list of lists I need to make.

6. Our family has strange inside jokes - "Look! Corn!" and "Hay!" are road trip games we developed on our move to NJ and back, and we still play them. The idea is just to catch others off guard and do the "made ya look" thing. Weird, I know.

Now it is your turn. I know a lot of you have already done this, but if you haven't, I tag you! I hope you all are well and up to the challenge!


NW Harbert's said...

Funny, Lauri. I liked this one for some reason. Thanks for letting me get to know you better.

Holly said...

That was fun to read... totally relate to the library books and the list making! haha. :)

lovedkat said...

i cant stand socks but you probably have perfectly soft non callused beautiful feet unlike my dried up nasty a piler too, things to go up things to go down, piles here piles of papers there tons of things that are organized piles that i just need to go through it drives steve least you go to the library i cant even remember the last time i went hey maybe now that i only have 4 kids i will feel brave enough to go...

Anonymous said...

Fun! I did it to :) Have great weekend!