Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Deep questions of a 5 year old

So, I was just reading my cousin-in-law's blog about her daughter's deep questions and it reminded me of Evie's deep question today. We're driving over to the school to drop off a permission slip and out of the blue she asks, "How do we know the church we go to is true?" Wow! I remember having that question too, but I don't know how old I was (I know we lived in the Wesley house). I think I gave her the same answer my mom gave me, that you have to pray about it, ask Heavenly Father to tell you and then listen to the Spirit. Which prompted the question, "How does the Spirit talk to us?" I answered as best as I could, saying that sometimes he gives us thoughts or ideas in our heads, and sometimes a good feeling in our hearts. She then asks, "Does he ever come and visit us? Has he come to visit you?" "No, he hasn't come to me, but he did come to Joseph Smith." She then proceeded to tell me the story of the First Vision that she had seen in a movie. The conversation continued a little more until we got to the school. I hope she always remembers the conversation and the simple explanation of how to gain a testimony like I remember my mom teaching me. I still remember when I received my answer and testimony; we were at the Visitor's Center at the Salt Lake temple watching one of the movies about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. Suddenly, I just knew. There was no huge A-ha moment, no earth-shaking voice. It just all made sense and felt right. I may not have always behaved accordingly, but I have never doubted that Joseph Smith saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and restored the Gospel to the earth.

1 comment:

KLF said...

What a beautiful testimony. Your girls are so lucky to have you.