Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Mosquito attack??

On Saturday morning Evie woke up and her eye looked a little puffy. I thought it might be a reaction to a bug bite or something, though we couldn't see a bite mark, so I started giving her Benadryl and it seemed to gradually get a little better for awhile. Well, later it got worse and by Sunday morning it looked like this:

Poor little thing had one eye completely swollen shut. So, Shawn took her into urgent care before church. It was an allergic reaction to a bug bite just above her eyebrow (you could see the bite mark now) and the doc thought it looked like it was starting to get infected so prescribed an antibiotic, hot compresses and staying upright. We picked up the prescription on the way to church, but after the sacrament , Evie said her eye was bothering her and we figured she didn't need everyon staring at her all day, so Shawn took her home. By the time we got home after church, her eye was starting to look better and by Monday morning she could open it almost all the way. Today her eyelid just looks a little redder than normal, but the swelling is gone.


Sorenson family trio said...

Poor Eve. I am so glad her bug bite and eye are doing lots better. It sounds quite traumatic . Lauri you new blog looks great!

Meichelle said...

How sad! She looks so sad! :)
Glad its getting better now though...

Anonymous said...

Thats horrible!! I hope it is down now and she is better!

Lisel said...

Your new blog looks great! I enjoyed your reunion pictures and I'm glad you guys could come - I wish we would have had more time to catch up - maybe next year!

NW Harbert's said...

I am so sorry that her eye got so swollen. I bet she was miserable.

Tamlynn said...

Hi, like the new blog! Poor Evie, she looks a lot worse than Harold does (same eye too.)

And "team Jacob?" really? More Edward for me I guess.

lovedkat said...

HOLLY COW that looks awful poor thing....glad she got better fast