Friday, August 21, 2009

Back To Schoool Preparations

We’ve had a fun week getting ready to go back to school. I’ve tried to take one thing to focus on each day. Monday we got haircuts and styled the girls hair. We also went and saw the movie” Imagine That”. Tuesday we had a “fashion show” day where we went through the fall and winter clothes to see who could wear what. We ended up filling two boxes of clothes that Evie couldn’t or wouldn’t wear anymore to give to a little neighbor friend. Wednesday we labeled and packed up the school supplies. Thursday we made sure the girls had hand cream and lip balm in their backpacks for the dry winter weather here. We were going to do facials and a spa day too – but I never got around to it. Maybe we’ll add that in today. It was also Back-To-School night. They decided to do it before school started this year. It was nice to be able to take all their supplies, meet their teachers and let them find their seats before the first day of school. They are all going to have great teachers and are excited for school. Lissy even has homework already – some Accelerated Math and to start a rock collection. Today we will do mani-pedis and get their finger and toenails looking all pretty for school.
I haven’t started counting the hours until school starts yet, but Shawn says this is the happiest he has ever seen me for school to start again. We’ve had a fun and busy (yet somehow relaxing) summer and I could probably survive a little longer… but let’s be honest. I am excited to have so much time to myself and such freedom to go help in the school. Shawn and I are looking forward to lunch dates and I have a short list of projects that will soon turn into a long list of projects. The girls have been great friends this summer, but are ready to spend time with their own friends at school too. Everyone else must have been pretty busy too, because we had a hard time catching friends at home when the girls could play.


Pearl Girl said...

I feel like I haven't seen you forever!! I wanted to stop and chit chat at BTS night. but ya know...I almost lost it. Its pretty overwhelming with 3 kids in school huh. Do you like their teachers. I am looking forward to card club. oh AND making my cards in peace next week. Preschool will be here before I know it.

Anonymous said...

Yay!!! For back to school! We just survived our first week. The new hair-dos all look great and so fun!