Monday, August 17, 2009

Oh My Heck!

How did August get to be half over already??? Here is a quick update of what we have been keeping busy with and then I'll inundate you with pictures - cuz that's the fun part, right?

- I've been playing the piano some: for a stake baptism, for a trio Shawn put together for Stake Priesthood meeting and for our ward choir on Sunday.
- We started reading the first Percy Jackson and the Olympians book together - The Lightning Thief.
- Some visiting teaching and took dinner to my partner's family a couple nights before they moved.
- Planned our primary activity dates for next year.
- Trips to the library.
- The girls and I went and saw the Hannah Montana Movie - I quite liked it.
- Annual Sorenson Family Reunion (my Dad's family) in Swan Valley including golf for the men in Idaho Falls, crafts for the ladies and kids, and dinners and sing-a-longs for all. We slept at our house and drove there each day and Bryan and Brent's families each stayed a night or two with us as well.
- Shawn's softball games. The other team forfeited one night, which was okay because there was lots of wind and a dust storm on the field.
- Shawn gave a talk in church and has been subbing in the CTR 8 class for over a month now.
- I fell down the stairs and hurt a foot, and ankle and a leg. Stayed off it all the next day and all is well.
- School registration and shopping.
- Redecorating Felicity's room in a "French/Parisian modern glamour theme."
- Digging a fire pit in our back yard.
- The girls got haircuts today and we went and saw "Imagine That."

I think that about covers it.... ready for pictures?

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