Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Good Day

We had a good day. Slept in, had breakfast and then Shawn and I went grocery shopping. We came home and had lunch and then went and saw Wall-E all together. It was a cold, snowy day, so when we got home we all just hung out and did our own thing for awhile, then the girls had baths, a simple dinner and bedtime stuff. I think Shawn and I will play games since we have been watching T.V. most of the evening. Oh, and yes, you heard that right - snow here. I hear it was in Boise too.


lovedkat said...

Hi laurie-sounds like a fun day. the kind that doesnt come along often enough. so when are you gize moving here? are you? the snow sounds nice? i was in boise when it snowed, that was fun to see, i love the winter, did any stick there? enjoy!

NW Harbert's said...

Great day, I want more days like that. But my girls don't seem to think that just hanging out is good enough, they have to fight through it.
Oh well, maybe one day. I hear there was snow in Utah too.